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Soft tissues and bones involved in neck pain

Neck Pain

Alongside lower back pain, neck pain is a very common complaint. There are a lot of similarities between neck and lower back pain, but also some key differences. Whereas the lower back is made of large, weight bearing bones, the…

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The TMJ (jaw joint)

The TMJ: jaw pain and clicking

The jaw joint is formally known as the TMJ: the temporomandibular joint. Like any other joint it can become dysfunctional, but people often don’t know who to turn to for help. Both your dentist and your osteopath are able to…

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Sports injuries: ankle sprains

Sports Injuries

Osteopaths are well equipped to help manage minor sports injuries. From symptomatic relief and acute management to long term rehabilitation, we can help. Sprains One common sports injury is a sprain. Sprains are injuries to ligaments, and they can be…

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The thoracic outlet

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Every now and then we see a lot of patients with the same condition. Before lockdown, we saw a lot of thoracic outlet syndrome. The thoracic outlet is the area at the top of the rib cage where nerves and…

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Lower back pain

Lower Back Pain

Back pain is one of the main things we see in clinic. There are a number of causes that osteopaths can help to manage. Causes of Lower Back Pain Often there's more than one thing causing symptoms during any given…

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Pain management

Back pain: Prevention is better than cure

Back pain causes 5 million people to consult their doctor every year and will cause pain to 20 percent of us at some point in our lives. In the majority of cases, the problem is a gradual progression, starting as backache, reduced movement and can also include shooting pains into the legs...
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Andrew Taylor Still – Founder of Osteopathy

The 4 basic principles of Osteopathy

There are four main principles that were established by the founder of Osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still, at the end of the 19th Century. They form the basis of Osteopathic philosophy and thinking and influence the decisions made in diagnosing and treating patient's symptoms...
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