- No patient should attend an appointment if they are feeling poorly or showing any signs of a viral infection. (Gemini Osteopathy reserves the right to refuse treatment of any patient attending who is believed to be unwell).
- Patients are recommended to wear a face covering when attending appointments.
- No patient should attend if they have recently tested positive for the COVID 19 virus or are waiting for results of a COVID 19 test.
In line with recommendations for healthcare providers, the practitioner will continue to:
- Wear a face mask throughout all face to face consultations.
- Wear either a disposable plastic apron or change clinic coat with each consultation.
- Risk assess on a patient to patient basis my need to wear disposable nitrile gloves or protective eye shield if necessary.
- Wash/sanitise hands and forearms before and after every consultation (as standard).
- Cease using any soft material furnishings during treatment, ie: couch covers, towels etc. If they are essential, then they will be one use only and changed between every patient.
- Any contactable hard surfaces will be disinfected between each patient, ie: couch, desk, chair, door handles etc.