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Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches (CGH) are simply headaches that come from the neck. They may start in the neck, often right at the top, and spread forwards. Typically they only affect one side of the head in any given episode, and may…

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Migraine symptoms

Migraine Prevention

Symptoms of a migraine are variable. Some come with nausea, aura, or arm pain, some don't. Whatever the symptoms, your osteopath may be able to help you to manage them. Causes of Migraine Unfortunately the cause is not fully understood…

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The TMJ (jaw joint)

The TMJ: jaw pain and clicking

The jaw joint is formally known as the TMJ: the temporomandibular joint. Like any other joint it can become dysfunctional, but people often don’t know who to turn to for help. Both your dentist and your osteopath are able to…

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